Holistic Health Therapies Ltd.



Hello every one,

 I hope you kept well during the lock down. 
Jocelyne cropped
I am ready to work
as soon as Level 2 is activated
  • Get read of your aches and pain
  • Get back your energy
  • Be well
  • Treat yourself or a friend
Book now
via online booking on this website Holistichealtherapies.co.nz

See you soon
Jocelyne 021502095


Like every year I am in Europe visiting my elderly father (86) other family members as well as life long friends.

Paris 1

I will resume work Monday 28 October 2019

You can make online booking from 21st October . Should you have ny problem making a booking or any other This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

issue, please do not hesitate in contacting me  via either

sending me a texte at 021502095


sending me an email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



May 2019 NEWSLilly of the valley

It has been quite some time since my last News letter.

Although I found my self in hospital for a few days. (I nearly celebrated my birthday in Hospital). Never the less, I have kept busy, learning new skills, and reinforcing already gained skills. I also kept busy with visitors from Europe (took them on the canopy tour in Rotorua. What an experience...). In all I have lived my life to the fullest with its highs and its lows..... I trust that you have done the same

I now also work with horses.

Recently I have completed my Level 1 "Touch for Horses" with Denyse in Tauranga and should shortly complete my Level 2.                                                                        

I am looking for Case Studies (10) as part of my training. 
Do you have a horse that needs TLC? I would need to see your horse twice for about one hour and a half. You would need to be present and the horse be in a halter.   Free of charge .
However if you reside away from Hamilton I would appreciate some petrol money.
Contact Jocelyne 021502095
Do remember that I work with small animals as well

orthobionomy 2019

Last month I completed a 5 days residential course on Orthobionomy and a 2 days course on Cranial Therapy with Luann Overmyer (advanced orthobionomy Instructor from the USA). It was just fantastic to learn so many new ways to work with the body in view of easing the aches, pains and unwell feelings. 
Should you come and see me in the near future ask me about my new skills and experience my new ways of treating the body


 To me the mouth is most important because what you put in your mouth will determine whether you will fell good or just unwell.
Do you realise that your organs are connected to your teeth? Each tooth has its connection to its individual organ. So next time you have a sore tooth, before going to your dentist have a look at what is this tooth connected to ( ie; the first 2 molars are connected to lung and colon. If they are aching....are you constipated or have you got a chest infection rather than a tooth infection).....
Your tongue is also a good barometer indicating if you are well or not . A normal tongue should look moist and fresh looking. Let say your tongue has a white coat over it this means that your metabolism needs some support  Is the tip of your tongue more red that the rest of it or is it more red at the back of it, has it got crevasses, or ulcers......All this will reflect on the state of your general health.
Off Course your digestion starts in your mouth so if you do not use your mouth as it should (chewing food properly) this will have an impact in your whole digestion....and so it goes on.
The point of this snippet is: be more aware of your mouth health


Cup of tea 22 metres up a Rimu tree

In February I had the pleasure to have a cup of tea perched up a giant Rimu Tree some 22 metres above ground (and it was only half way up the tree). Quite an exhilarating experience sliding on numerous flying fox above the canopy of the forest. Yes I did the canopy tour in Rotorua. An experience well worth while (if you are not scared of hight) . The safety was primo . The guides were extremely friendly and supportive and as a big PLUS they also have a good knowledge of the ecology. They know their birds, their trees and explain very well the importance of keeping the native forest free of rats, stoats, opossum....In all it was such a great experience that I was wanting to share it with you even if it does not have a direct connection with what I do. However Having a good time goes a long way towards good health

Please note I will go away to Europe like every year end of August till mid October. So if you need to see me. Don't procrastinate too long. Make an online booking now.  See you soon.

Please do not hesitate in making an online booking or text me at Jocelyne 021502095