Holistic Health Therapies Ltd.

Therapies I offer

Aches and Pains (working with)

Working with aches and pain

Aches and pains can have many origines. It can be due to arthritis, or poor digestion, or stress, or depression, or environment, or caused by certain medication or .....many more causes .

What is important is to assess the cause/s and act upon it. 

This may involve just a treatment or a few treatments; it may involve changing your diet...

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Animals (working with)

Working with animals

Animals are very sensitive and need to be approached with compassion. These are some of the services I can offer:

  • Restricted mobility
  • Digestion issues
  • Respiratory issues
  • Depression

Any enquiry please do not hesitate in contacting me : 021 502 095

Being in Colour®


Find the truth within your heart to ‘Be’ in colour and Be the best you can Be NOW.

By accepting reactions as your own, you can learn to trust your feelings and act upon them wisely. Thus assisting in areas of your life that you would like to improve on: (self-esteem, self-worth, holistic well being, relationships, and more).
Being in Colour® is...

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The Bowen Technique (also known as Bowtech - the Original Bowen Technique and Bowenwork)

Bowen therapy

It is a dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy that was developed by the late Tom Bowen in Geelong, Australia. Sometimes called the homeopathy of bodywork, it utilizes subtle inputs to the body (known as moves), stimulating the body to heal...

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Children and New Born Babies (working with)

How do I work with children?

When I say children I also mean babies. I work with at least one of the parent present and explain what I am about to do and why.

For babies with colic, restlessness, wind, there are very simple and non invasive techniques that can be use to relieve the symptoms.

For children any health issue can be dealt...

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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

This type of therapy is utilised with people who want to make a change in their life. So that their love ones, people they care about, are safe around them, and they do not suffer the consequences of their behaviour. It is used in case of drug and/or alcohol addiction, violence, and/or any antisocial behaviour that leads to the detriment of...

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Ear candling

to be completed

Any enquiry please do not hesitate in contacting me : 021 502 095

Hands on Healing

hands on

Hands on healing is simply what it says: applying my hands on areas that need healing and focussing on clearing the ill elements that create the disease, with the assistance of the energy that goes through my hands.

The person will need to be totally relaxed and trust that what is done during the session is for her/his highest good.


Healing with Music

Music relaxing

Healing with music is a form of Reiki but using music.

Like for Reiki I will be by your head and convey any energy that will guide you towards your journey to wellness.

The music that you will have chosen will be appropriate for you at that present time. The music will assist you in persuing and recover your path to...

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Holistic Massage

Massage 1

Holistic Massage is about incorporating different techniques of massage or treatment for the needs of the body at that particular time. It encompasses old physical and emotional trauma to the present day of the treatment. Thus addressing the body at all levels of need and promoting rapid healing.

One needs to remember that no one knows better...

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Lymphatic Drainage

The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic vessels and various lymphatic tissues and organs.

The function of lymphatic vessels is to pick up the excess fluid left behind by the blood vessels and capillaries during the process of hydrostatic and osmotic pressures forcing fluid out of the blood at the arterial ends(downstream) and...

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Meridian Work

meridian system

Ancient Medicine,Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Acupressure, believes and work on the various Meridians in the body.

Meridians are located through out the body. They are pathways of the positive and negative energy that carry some of the communication between the various part of your body.

There are fourteen main...

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Pregnancy (working with)

How do I work with Pregnancy?

There is recurrent issue a woman has when pregnant: back ache.

I have very effective techniques to relieve back aches for pregnant women. It is non invasive. The pregnant woman can come to see me as often as she wishes throughout the pregnancy as it only takes a few minutes and I can fit her in between...

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foot massage 3

Considering that "mind, body and emotions" are intimately interwoven, it is reasonable to accept that any part of ourselves impact on the rest of our body.

In "Reflexology" feet play an important part as they are the perfect mini map of the whole body. By applying geentle, even pressure on various part of the feet, one can access / balance...

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Reiki is a non invasive, hands off body, therapy.

Reiki 3

It is about working with positive energies that assist in restoring body balance and wellbeing.

Some time ago I had a client that was in a lot of pain, so much so that she had not slept for more that 2hours at a time for weeks. She could not sit down on a chair; she could not lie-down on a bed...

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Using Scenar for aches and pain


Success with Scenar Therapy    

My cousin has "Paralysis supranucléar progressive". She recently had a fall over some concrete steps, and damaged the area of her pubis.
When I visited her few days ago, she had still a large lump in her left groin and could no longer urinate or...

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The Clendinning Technique of Energy Healing

Is a healing technique based around dowsing to identify and rectify energy blocks and bring the body into balance and healing. The technique was devised by GEOFFREY C. MORELL, medical intuitive and energy healer.

Pip and Geoffrey MThe Clendinning Technique originates from the understanding that we are 'all our own healers' and by knowing that we...

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Working with horses

Equine 19 Jan me

Horses are very sensitive animals that need to be approached with compassion. I practice Touch for horses which is very similar to to Bowen using very gentle move yet being rather firm. I begin with body balancing and then specific moves to assist any horse with any muscular issues.

Any enquiry please do not hesitate in contacting me : 021 502...

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