Holistic Health Therapies Ltd.



Recent Success Stories 2018
Heart surgery
December last year a client of mine asked me if I could treat her mother who was in Waikato Hospital. She had a heart attack and she was waiting for the surgeon to come back from holidays to operate on her heart. I met her mother in intensive care. She was semi conscious. I performed very basic Bowen moves to support her organs as best as I could. Since she could not move herself.I decided to use her daughter as a surrogate and performed the move on the daughter whilst the daughter was holding her hands.  5 days later, since the surgeon was not back yet and she was a bit brighter, I performed the same treatment this time directly on her . There were no conversation since she was very weak. In January a lady came for a treatment. Welcoming her from the waiting room , I asked were did we meet. She replied: "at the hospital, you came to see me twice. I since have had an aortic valve and an atrial valve replacement. I know how much your treatment have helped my body in waiting for the surgery and I am coming for a tune up". We hugged and few tears of joy were shared. To me,moment like this are unique and  priceless. Thanks to Bowen Therapy

Stroke and a bad fall
In January, a lady rang me. She said that her mother had a stroke at Christmas and then had a bad fall on New Year. She since had been in constant pain. Could I help? I immediately asked if she had had xrays. Yes she had and nothing showed up. She had seen the doctor a few times but nothing could help release the pain. Bring her to me I said. So a few days later this lady arrived helped by a zimmer frame and supported by her daughter. She was walking painstakingly. We manage to get her lie on the massage table and I performed very basic Bowen Treatment. After the session was over her daughter and I helped her out of the table. She said "I still have some pain, it is a relief but it is still there" I replied : "Trust the treatment , it will work up to 5 days with you before your body settles".  The following week the lady came back still using the walking aid but not being supported by her daughter, and with a twinkle in her eye she said: "Guess what......I have no more pain... I got up four days after the treatment without pain and it has not come back". She had an other treatment and she still needed assistance to turn around ans sit up. The third and last time she came. She was walking freely (although still using the walking aid) , she moved her self on the table and got up on her own, She was so thrilled not to have any more pain. Again it was a time with big hugs and shining heart. Again Thanks to Bowen Therapy


Hi Jocelyne

I was recently given a small pot of your cold sore/herpes cream and I found it really effective for some dermatitis I have on my fingers.

Do you still make that cream and if so, how can I buy some from you?


I am amazed how wonderful I feel after last evenings treatment and yet it was so gentle.



Thanks Jocelyne, I have been feeling pretty good since I saw you last week.




I think the therapy is brilliant, I could feel energy shifting in my body with each procedure, it was very helpful as you gave me insight into what needed to be dealt with, helped me deal with it, and with tools that work.

