Holistic Health Therapies Ltd.

Children and New Born Babies (working with)

How do I work with children?

When I say children I also mean babies. I work with at least one of the parent present and explain what I am about to do and why.

For babies with colic, restlessness, wind, there are very simple and non invasive techniques that can be use to relieve the symptoms.

For children any health issue can be dealt with in a non invasive way some time in conjunction with conventional medicine.

Bed-wetting can be a very embarrassing situation for a child. This can be rectified with a bit of a diet and some non invasive moves.

Allergies can also be quite an issue for the whole family. Learn about muscle testing to assist your child with his diet.

Children can get ill very quickly but they can recover just as quickly with sometime very simple actions.

Below is an example on how I treated an 18month old little boy.

A mother of two had brought me her 5 years old boy for treatment and since the young brother was with them she asked me to treat her younger son. He had colicky pain since birth, did not sleep well and was generally grumpy.

I practiced Bowen moves whilst he was sitting on his mother’s lap. When I put my hands lightly behind his skull to perform a gentle move, he took one of my hands away and guided my other hand on a spot on his head. He then dropped his head on my shoulder for a while and when it was time that all was well he lifted his head and was all smiles. I did not need to see this little boy again as he was a new happy little boy

More information contact Jocelyne 021502095